BEHS Class of 69 Teacher Tribute Page
This page is a tribute to the memory of BEHS Teachers for the Class of 1969 who are no longer with us. Please take a moment and add a comment about them here. They touched our lives for a brief moment, contributed to shaping our lives and will not be forgotten. Tell us what you remember or add some information that might be missing. It is not necessary to be a Google Blog member to make a comment.
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Wesley "Wes" Boman
Chorus & Madrigals
Austin "Reed" Burke
Algebra & Math III
Obituary  |
US Air Force |
Thomas Davis
Math and Algebra I
Leslie Abram Laird
Special Education
Charles Ray Averett Jr
Harold Anderson
Physical Ed & Athletics
Charlene Swan
Speech Teacher

Ted Hougaard
Dean T Bennett
Biology & Health Teacher
Reed Andersen Olsen
High School World History Teacher
_____________________________________ Claire Hall Bailey
JR High History - Geography
Earl Lynn Hone
High School Arts Teacher and Golf Coach
Gary H. Hollingsworth
5th Grade Bunderson Elementary School Teacher
James Terryle Hill
Special Education & Athletics
Coach Les Dunn
Math and Athletics
March 2015 Post
February 2104 Post
D.A. Olsen
Department Head- American Problems and American History
July 27, 1926 ~ November 26, 2014
Jordan L. Larsen
English Department Head

John Earl Johnston
Department Head, Choir, American History, District Administration

Gerald Jay Hilton
Algebra & Geometry Teacher

Richard F. Wight

Ella A. Long
Bunderson Elementary TeacherObituary_____________________________________
Robert Wendel
Department Head, Chemistry Teacher
Birth: Jul. 13, 1930
Death: Sep. 29, 1998 Goodyear, Maricopa County, AZ
Burial: Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, UT
Find A Grave
Birth: May 23, 1935
Death: May 30, 2003
Douglas Stoker
Head of Athletics
Basket Ball Coach &
Drivers Ed Teacher
Howard Gittens
Auto Mechanics I & II Teacher
Birth: 1/15/1927 Wellsville, UT
Death: 1/20/2001 Brigham City, UT
Carl Beckstead
Athletics & Health Teacher
?? Please help with Obituary